Keynote and Workshop Topics:
As a leading provider of cultural proficiency and diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) training, we take pride in offering the best courses, workshops, trainings, and keynotes. Our topics include:
Defining Cultural Proficiency
Understanding Culturally Responsive Teaching
Addressing and Interrupting Implicit bias and Racial Microaggressions
Strategies for Having Conversations about Race and Ethnicity
How to Talk to Young Children about Race and Culture
How to Supervise and Coach Cultural Proficiency
Culturally Relevant Teaching Practices
Establishing Diversity Equity & Inclusion Committees/Teams
Boards Cultural Proficiency Training for School Committees
How to best support and retain employees of color
Countering White Supremacy Culture
Understanding the stages of racial development
Defining and understanding the Modern Forms of Racism Strategies to Interrupt Bias in Hiring • How to best support and retain educators of color
Understanding the connections between racial microaggressions, discipline, and intellectual identity formation for girls of color.
Understanding Cultural Proficiency As It Relates To Customer Intimacy
Foundational Course:
Becoming a Culturally Proficient Educator
This course provides educators with a 10-hour course on Becoming a Culturally Proficient Educator.
By attending the course:
Participants will gain a clear understanding of the definition and theory of cultural proficiency while learning practical applications. Understanding theory is only useful if participants understand how the theory plays out in real time.
Participants will be exposed to proven strategies to counter the negative effects of microaggressions, modern forms of racism and implicit bias.
Participants will gain an understanding of what it means to be a culturally proficient leader, supervisor, coach
Participants will have an opportunity to raise questions and discuss challenges in real time.

Workshop Series
School. Committees
School Committee members with in- person or virtual professional development on the following topics:
Understanding the Components of Cultural Proficiency
Developing Equity Goals for Schools
Understanding Implicit Bias and Addressing Racial Microaggressions in Schools
Equity Policy Development
How To Have Crucial Conversations About Race and Culture Workshop Objectives:
By attending and participating in the workshop series, School Committee members will:
Gain a clear understanding of the definition of cultural proficiency, while learning the impact it has on teaching and learning. This understanding will help members appreciate the art and science of teaching and learning.
Be exposed to proven strategies to counter some of the negative effects of micro-aggressions and implicit bias in the context of policy discussions and community meetings.
Practice strategies designed to assist with difficult public conversations about race and culture.
Be able to raise questions and discuss challenges in real-time.

Foundational Course:
Becoming a
Culturally Proficient Leader
This course provides educators with a 10-hour course on Becoming a Culturally Proficient Educator.
By attending the course:
• Participants will gain a clear understanding of the definition and theory of cultural proficiency while learning practical applications. Understanding theory is only useful if participants understand how the theory plays out in real time.
• Participants will be exposed to proven strategies to counter the
negative effects of microaggressions, modern forms of racism and implicit bias.
• Participants will gain an understanding of what it means to be a culturally proficient leader, supervisor, coach.
• Participants will have an opportunity to raise questions and discuss challenges in real time.
Case Studies
Implementation and
Refining of Skills
Participants will have completed previous workshops on implicit bias and crucial conversations with Dr. Wornum. In this workshop seris, participants will review and practice the skills needed to address racial microaggressions, impicit bias, and inequity. Participants will be given several case studies and asked to employ the strategies learned in previous sessions. The facilitator will work with participants to develop and refine the skills needed to effectively interrupt bias. This is a working session for participants that want to improve their skills.

Each coaching session is designed with three goals in mind. First, the session will be structured so that leaders will have an opportunity to practice newly acquired skills. Secondly, the sessions will allow for participants to share current problems of practice, raise questions in real time, and gain perspective and support from their colleagues and the meeting facilitator. Lastly, the session will offer a small takeaway activity that is designed to be duplicated and implemented by the participants. The purpose of each activity is to help the participants to build a climate that supports cultural proficiency.
Facilitation Dr Wornum will be a neutral external facilitator and impartial observer while facilitating the difficult discussions you will be having. She will treat all participants as equals. She will foster discussions; guide participants as needed and ask important questions to move discussions forward and meet the session's goals. She will provide opportunities to the groups to enable them to make progress and succeed.

For Students
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
How To Stop The Hurt: Understanding and Addressing Microaggressions
Interrupting The Flow of Racism•
Charting your Course: How to Get Where You Are Trying to Go•
Seize the Day: Capitalizing on Today so You Can Own Tomorrow
Equity Walk & Workshop
Equity Walk Workshop (How to Be a Culturally Responsive Teacher) (1.5 hours) We will train teachers on How to Be a Culturally Responsive Teacher. Culturally Responsive Teaching focuses on an educator's ability to recognize students' cultural displays of learning and then to meet them based on that. It teaches how to respond positively and constructively with teaching that uses cultural knowledge as a scaffold to connect with the student. A Culturally Responsive teacher knows how to use new concepts and connect them in order to promote effective information processing and critical thinking. This workshop includes 45 minutes of training, 45 minutes of an Equity Walk followed by a debrief and discussion. This workshop blends the training and the practice of this topic in a powerful and meaningful way.