​What do I call them?
Hello Kalise,
I've loved the perspective on cultural proficiency you have brought to our campus. I am a science teacher and it occurred to me last week during a class discussion that I feel a little stuck about language choice. I like to talk about hard topics head-on and feel perfectly comfortable talking about female scientists who have been overlooked; for example, how Rosalind Franklin still does not get the credit for discovering DNA.
However, when it came up in a discussion last week that Tracy Chapman did not win a Grammy for Fast Car, but the southern white guy did, I realized that as a white woman, I am still a little uncomfortable addressing this subject with the most identity-affirming language. I know that African American, Black, and people of color are not necessarily interchangeable, but I feel uncomfortable not knowing which is the most inclusive and respective term to use. I want to get it right no matter what the races are in front of me.
Can you please guide me as to what language to use in these types of situations?
Thank you so much,